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BUDDHA IN THE WAITING ROOM: Simple Truths about Health, Illness and Healing

Wydanie z 2008 r. * Książka w języku angielskim


Brenner, Paul

Wydawnictwo: New Age Books
Miejsce i rok: New Delhi 2008
Wydanie: -

Cena: 49.00 PLN

miękka bez obwoluty
Ilość stron:
XII + 144
142 x 217 mm

dobry, okładka z niedużymi przybrudzeniami, przygięciami rogów, naklejoną z tyłu starą ceną i minimalnie rozwarstwiającymi się miejscami krawędziami, blok książki lekko przybrudzony, na stronie przedtytułowej dawna pieczątka własnościowa w postaci rysunku

Dodatkowe informacje:

Książka w języku angielskim.

* * * * * * *

In 1976, when Dr. Paul Brenner went on sabbatical from his traditional medical practice and began counseling individuals with life-threatening illnesses, he began to realize that, contrary to his medical training, he did not have all the answers. Following his intuition and listening to the profound wisdom of the terminally ill, Dr. Brenner gained a new understanding on the nature of health, illness, and healing.

Buddha in the Waiting Room transcends the traditional boundaries of modern medical practice by taking some of the divinity out of the profession and empowering the person on the other side of the stethoscope. Dr. Brenner draws on his perspective of more than fifty years in the medical profession to deliver a poignant and timely redefinition of health as a living process. This is a humorous and touching account of a logic-driven realist who is reluctantly transformed by the wisdom he finds in an unexpected place: the hearts and minds of those he has been entrusted to heal.

A physician's training is not complete until it integrates the wisdom of his or her patients. I feel like the ancient mariner. I have taken a long, stormy, forty-year journey in search of the medical Holy Grail: what makes people sick and what makes people well? This journey has taken me through traditional medical training, an obstetrics and gynecology practice, an American Cancer Society Fellowship, a doctorate in psychology, counseling the dying, and the holistic health movement: hypnosis, acupuncture, meditation, and shamanism. Throughout, the albatross around my neck has been the contained wisdom I have learned from my patients, mentors, and my own aloneness. It is now time to share that wisdom. Although this book traces the thread of my journey through the healing arts, Buddha in the Waiting Room is written for you and in honor of those who taught me the truth about health. Paradoxically, most of my teachers were ill. However, despite their apparent physical state, these individuals were vibrant, wise beyond their years, and very much alive - even those diagnosed with terminal illnesses. They defined the meaning of health. They knew something that I had to learn; despite their physical state they taught me the art of healthy living. Each of them was a Buddha to me, a source of pure wisdom. Other Buddhas in this book are those mentors and events that shaped my awareness concerning health, illness, and the human potential.

[New Age Books, 2008]


"BUDDHA IN THE WAITING ROOM: Simple Truths about Health, Illness and Healing" Brenner, Paul

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